Complementary FulfillmentCF CalculatorEmployement of OHSCleaning ServicesGlossaryComplementary Fulfillment 2013Complementary Fulfillment 2014
The legislative of complementary fulfillment was changed by the amendment to the Act of Unemployment of people with altered working abilities. This law creates a duty for employers with more than 25 workers to employ persons with altered working abilities and that is to the amout of the mandatory ratio of 4% of the complete number of employees.
How to fulfill the mandatory ratio?
You can satisfy the mandatory ration of the employment of workers with altered working abilities (OHS) in these following ways or their combination. The first way is to directly employ OHS workers, to paying a fee to the government budget or to use complementary fulfillment that is to order goods or services from companies which employ more than 50% OHS.