Complementary Fulfillment Calculator

Complementary FulfillmentEmployment of OHSCleaning ServicesGlossarySecurity Services

Calculate how much you can save in case you dont employ OHS and use complementary fulfillment. 

Safe with complementary fulfillment

The calculation for 2018 is ready. We do know the average monthly wage in 2018, which determines both the amount of complementary fulfillment and the fee to the state. 

The calculation for 2018 is possible towards the end of the year, when the Czech Statistical Office announces the average monthly wage in 2018 (I.-III. Quarter). Then it is possible to obtain within the limit various services such as for example Pre-Christmas cleaning, security at a company’s party, general cleaning and so on. We calculate with the average monthly wage for the year 2018, which was 31 225 Kč.

Items of complementary fulfillment calculator

Mandatory ration and total number of employees

Mandatory ratio is 4 % from the total number of employees, which is rounded to two decimal places. That is why our calculator also operates with two decimal places.

Fee to the state

The cost of the fee for one OHS employee in complementary fulfillment is 2,5 times the average monthly wage in 2018 (I.-III. Quarter). If you take advantage of complementary fulfillment that is the amount of money you save.

Complementary fulfillment

You can satisfy the mandatory ratio for one OHS employee by orderign services whose cost is seven times the amount of average monthly wage in 2018 (I.-III. Quarter).

References of our cleaning and security services.

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Contact us

We are happy do discuss your options and recommend the best.

Tomáš Nováček

+420 602 257 767

Jaroslav Dolský

+420 725 739 016

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